
IanniX is a graphical standalone open-source sequencer, based on Iannis Xenakis works, for digital art. IanniX syncs via Open Sound Control (OSC) events and curves to your real-time environment, for example MaxMSP/Jitter.

— It can be used with a diversity of software and hardware tools,

— It can be modified and operated in real-time,

— IanniX's graphical space spans several dimensions and time scales,

— The OSC protocol allows fast network communication,

— It is licensed under GPL 3, free and cross-platform,

— Scripts for IanniX can be written using JavaScript to create complex and generative scores.

Hugo Vogel's icon

Hugo Vogel

11月 13 2019 | 3:16 午後

Is it possible to control with iannix, a sequenzer such as logic 9 or logic pro X via Sysex ?

I hope this is not a stupid idee. Or is there possibly a methode to change OSC to Sysex bij conversion f.i.

Hugo Vogel


2011年5月31日 16:15
Creative Commons License
