
Update 9/8/2013 - The Twitter examples were broken. They are fixed and have been updated to use version 1.1 of the API (oauth). The projects demonstrate 3 methods of authentication:

- the streaming API via php
- the REST API via ruby
- sending Tweets using (aka cosm/pachube) and as intermediaries.

Also a clarification: These tools are not meant to be turnkey Max solutions to using internet API's. They are more like recipes - some with other ingredients - like php, ruby, or node running in the background as OSC servers.

There's more on the way!



The Internet is a source of data which reflects the state of our world. Internet data can be mined, filtered, analyzed, and aggregated. It can trigger physical events. It can display the state of physical events.

These features combine to provide a valuable tool for artists. There are countless examples of data visualization, interactive media, sensor feeds, and collaborative art – which use the Internet.

Here are a few examples to help you learn how to use the Internet in your Max/MSP projects.

parksa's icon


4月 01 2013 | 9:55 午前

to clarify these won't work out of the box with the provided sample patches because they rely heavily on many externals from

tkzic's icon


4月 01 2013 | 10:47 午前

Yes this is correct. Thank you for clarification. Also, the projects have been tested on Mac OS only. In addition to [aka.speech] and [], some projects run background programs in php, javascript, node.js, python, ruby, and curl. The idea is to make connections between internet API's and Max. These other frameworks are better suited than Max for handling stuff like http: requests, JSON parsing, web sockets, and text-to-speech. In any case, you'll get a sense from the projects that there are a variety of approaches - including using native Max objects like [jit.uldl].


2013年3月19日 15:20
Creative Commons License
