Kinect via OSCeleton Max interface
A Max/MSP/Jitter interface for routing and displaying user-tracking data from the XBox Kinect via OSC messages. The interface requires the OpenNI framework and the OSCeleton proxy software which I have also include installation instructions inside the Max patch.
The interface acts as an OSC router and mapping template for incoming OSC joint messages. A single instance of the interface can hold up to four users, but since multiple instances can be open and running on other computers, any user running the interface can receive identical clean copies of OSC joint data for additional mapping.
There were three Max externals used in the making of this interface (, OSC-route, and jit.freenect.grab) and have credited and documented in the interface and online.
Download this tool
Romain Dumaine
7月 20 2011 | 1:44 午後
Hi, I used OSCeleton and I did that:
Check out the videos !