Max Tools Archive
Super-Looper Basic
by Christopher Jakobi on January 25, 2016
[Image: super-looper-basic-pres-mode-1-600x354.jpg ] A lot of people asked me for my "Super-Looper" Max/MSP-patch, so I decided to build a...
KeyMidi with added features
by mrdorianjames on January 25, 2016
I needed to use the KeyMidi Extra but I couldn't figure out why I wasn't getting any sound in my project. I foolishly realized that I...
Ultimate Ztep Zequencer 2.0
by animatek on January 21, 2016
[Image: UZZ2-600x336.png ] UZZ is a Max For Live device inspired in the step sequencer created by Len Sasso for Logic Audio...
by animatek on January 19, 2016
Features: Midi Converter allow to convert any Midi Parameter: FROM: - Pitch - Velocity - Control Change - After Touch - PitchBend TO: -...
Xbox Controller Interface
by vincentrieuf on January 15, 2016
Hello, Was developed on and for windows. Hope it can save some of your time. Start Max Msp Plug-in your Xbox 360 controller Have...
cSPAThrtfV1 : Binaural Max For Live plugin (FFT based binaural panner using CIPIC HRTF database)
by Clément HUBERT on January 5, 2016
The cSPAThrtf is a project created in november 2015 to be used as a binaural Max For Live plugin for theatre performances. It is based on...
by maybites on December 31, 2015
QueScript is a Java-based Max External for writing animation scripts. It has a rich feature set of commands that allow a unique way of...
Mixer, an audio Max/MSP package
by jpbellona on December 31, 2015
ABOUT Mixer.* is a Max/MSP package for audio mapping projects. The package includes various objects, like channel strips, eqs, limiters,...
by siteswapjuggler on December 28, 2015
[Image: ramp-556x600.png ] ramp provide extended data interpolation function in Max. It extend the classic line object with pause...
by siteswapjuggler on December 28, 2015
[Image: smoov-590x600.png ] smoov is an external that provide real time data smoothing in Max. The object is inspired by this discussion:...