sc-max windows port of some supercollider ugens to maxmsp.
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A collection of windows externals of the freeware sc-max library (used to be OSX-only) provided by Stephen Lumenta)
(MAX SDK used: 5.1.6)
Tool Files file (windows externals + .maxhelp files)
alfonso santimone
2月 16 2011 | 5:54 午前
thanks zigzag! great work for the win based Max community!
4月 04 2011 | 2:18 午後
this is awesome man....thanks a lot for the update
5月 14 2011 | 10:10 午前
Cool looking forward to playing with these,,,,, cheers
1月 13 2014 | 5:16 午後
Thankyou for these!
6月 15 2021 | 4:46 午前
Can somebody share the package please? I need the Windows version of sc-max.