Super-Looper Basic

A lot of people asked me for my "Super-Looper" Max/MSP-patch, so I decided to build a version, that everybody can use without any additional controllers. After switching to presentation mode, this basic version has all controls on the surface. The full version is completely controlled via a total of about 200 Midi CC messages, so you will need some kind of hardware controller. If you want to give the full version a try, just contact me and ask for it.
Please feel free to leave a comment, if you like the patch!
A recent performance realized with the Super-Looper patch:

great job....!
Wonderful work!
Thanks a lot! I really appreciate your comments
thanks!!! very usefull.
Thank you for this sir,
you are both a gentleman and a scholar.
The way you program is beautifully concise...!
Can i try the full version patch?
Awesome! Thank you for sharing this!