The sadam Library
A set of externals for different tasks, among others:
Data compression (LZO compression/decompression, base64 encoding/decoding)
XML processing (DOM, SAX, RapidXML)
Synthesis (Additive, Substractive, FOF)
Complex sound analysis (Spectral peak extraction, Envelope following)
Networking (binary streaming, TCP and UDP communication)
Arithmetic computations (fast GCD, LCM, prime factorization)
Improved/modified versions of native Max/MSP objects (rand~, split, float...)
And more...
The library comes with full documentation (including reference docs and help files), all objects run on Intel/PPC Mac and Windows.
Download this tool
Cool stuff! Very useful. And a big thumbs up for the extensive documentation!
Excellent bunch of tool, dug me out of a hole. Cheers man
Great tools, Love the networking externals!