The sadam Library

A set of externals for different tasks, among others:

  • Data compression (LZO compression/decompression, base64 encoding/decoding)

  • XML processing (DOM, SAX, RapidXML)

  • Synthesis (Additive, Substractive, FOF)

  • Complex sound analysis (Spectral peak extraction, Envelope following)

  • Networking (binary streaming, TCP and UDP communication)

  • Arithmetic computations (fast GCD, LCM, prime factorization)

  • Improved/modified versions of native Max/MSP objects (rand~, split, float...)

  • And more...

The library comes with full documentation (including reference docs and help files), all objects run on Intel/PPC Mac and Windows.

EMV's icon

Cool stuff! Very useful. And a big thumbs up for the extensive documentation!

badgerxb's icon

Excellent bunch of tool, dug me out of a hole. Cheers man

hoowdie's icon

Great tools, Love the networking externals!


Creative Commons License
