WROOM is a device to create harsh,brutal feedback or dreamy, softly oscillating drones or whatever else you make it do.

WROOM consists of a 'sender' and a 'receiver' ,setting up a feedback-chain in between them.
Inside that chain,you may drop whatever FX , an Overdrive for the 'harsh' or a Reverb for the 'dreamy' .

There's a feedback-limiting-circuitry ,working just as if you would be pulling down the feedback-knob in panic because things got 'out of hand'.
By using the attack and release controls, you can create complex ducking and self-oscillating structures.

You may use several instances of WROOM in your LIVE-set, each sender/receiver pair is unique to a track or an effect-rack.

WROOM requires Ableton Live 9 and Max/Msp 7.

click the 'tool site' link, there's a demo working for 5 -10 minutes and a full version as well.

version 1.1:

-WROOM would not sound exactly the same when reloading the live-set.this is due to plugsend~/receive pairs having different latencies each time the set or device is loaded.I'll eventually write a post about that issue and how to work around this.

-a fix for the filter 'exploding' when 'FB limit' is set to 'FLT'

-added a peak-limiter to the feedback-chain to manage extreme feedback settings

-some GUI changes


Download this tool

rbrt's icon

here's WROOM 2 !

-entirely re-written engine,better sound, lower latency, improved stability
-superuseful additional features
-exciting flashy new GUI

-a hell of a lot of noise



Creative Commons License
