
A Few Minutes with BEAP, Part 10

In Part 10 of the "A Few Minutes with BEAP" tutorial series, we take a step away from creating monosynth emulations and drum models, and instead create an ever-changing flutter. This change in focus gives us a chance to look at a new module (the Granular Oscillator) and an interesting technique (dual LFO pairings). Patch along during this 12-minute journey, and see if you don't pick up some new ideas for your instruments!

All the tutorials in this series:Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, and Part 13.

by Darwin Grosse on July 19, 2016

Philippe Jules Thevenot's icon

Very interesting introduction... Err, if I may, how could I save the settings once satisfied with them ? So many parameters...

Darwin Grosse's icon

Your best bet is to use snapshots (the little camera icon on the right toolbar). This will save all of the settings except for the loaded audio file. You'll have to drag that in when you load the patch.


Nye Parry's icon

you need to open the inspector for all objects you want to save and select embed patcher in parent (not sure why this isn't the default???)

Heyoka's icon

How come the CV1 dial is not moving?
Would be helpful to see the extents of the LFO action.
I want to create animated dials. ;0)