
Gen Code Export: AudioUnits

Following are the steps for the creation of AudioUnits with gen~.


Xcode 4.6
Max 6.1


  • Download the “Audio Tools for Xcode” package by going to Xcode > Open Developer Tool > More Developer Tools ...

  • Install the CoreAudio folder found in the “Audio Tools for Xcode” package. Make sure to grab the one from Feb. 16, 2012. The Xcode packages assume it’s in the folder /Applications/Developer. If you install it somewhere else, change the CORE_AUDIO_LOCATION setting in the Xcode projects

Building an AudioUnit

  1. Duplicate the provided MyAU project with the command: python duplicate.py MyAU (For example: python duplicate.py MyAU YourAU MyCompany)

  2. Open a gen~ patch to be turned into a plugin.

  3. Send gen~ the exportcode message in order to export the genpatcher as C++ code.

  4. Open the Xcode project generated in step 2.

  5. Change the COMP_MANUF [It must be 4 letters] and COMP_SUBTYPE settings in the .r resource file and the -Info.plist file.

  6. If you installed CoreAudio in a location other than /Applications/Developer, change the CORE_AUDIO_LOCATION build setting to the appropriate location and change the location of all of the files in the CoreAudio folder so that Xcode can compile them.

  • Click on the project in the Project Navigator to show the build settings

  • Click on the target under the Targets section

  • If not already showing, click on the Build Settings tab

  • Under the User-Defined section, see the CORE_AUDIO_LOCATION setting to be changed (you can use the search field in the Build Settings to quickly locate it)

  • Build the project.

  • Copy the build product to the /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components folder.

  • Run auval -a to verify that the plugin functions properly.

by Cycling '74 on 2013年3月4日 14:43

Creative Commons License
Thomas Drake's icon

Thomas Drake

1月 09 2017 | 12:23 午前

For Xcode >8.* download Additional Tools and not Audio Tools. The package mentioned in this post has apparently been merged.

Thomas Drake's icon