MC Recipe 02: SettingPlotter

MC Concepts
Use the
messages with wrapped MC objectsUse the plot~ object to visualize generated MC results
In the last two recipes, we targeted individual instances of MC objects to affect their actions. "Wrapped" MC object - MSP objects that are enclosed in an MC wrapper - respond to a number of messages that generate instance-specific behavior. The deviate
and spread
messages are two examples.
In some cases, it can be difficult to understand exactly what is happening with these objects. To provide more insight, we create a scaling system that can produce a visualization of the generated results.
mc.sig~ : An MC-wrapped static signal generator
messages : Messages that generate value variationsmc.snapshot~ : Creates messages from individual MC channels
mc.makelist : Assembles a list from multiple channel sources
Things to Note:
message produces values around a centerpoint with a defined deviation. In this case, the slider produces values between 0. and 1., and are sent to a message box which will cause a deviation of that value, centered around 1.0. This will cause the mc.sig~ to generate values from 0.0 to 2.0.An alternative generation message is the
message, which will create an even range of values between a low and high value. In this part of the patch, we make simple calculations to create a spread evenly spaced around 1.0.The
abstraction (included in the download) sets up a plot~ object, sets the number of points to the number of channels, and creates a display list from incoming MC signal values. The arguments sent to the abstraction defines the low and high end of the display range.You can change the number of channels that are calculated, but the actual number of channels flowing through the MC patchcords will not be altered until you turn the DSP off and on again. Use the attrui object to change the number of channels while DSP is running, then cycle the DSP switch to see the change in the patch.
Additional Options
Option-click (right-click on Windows) on a wrapped MC object to see the available options available for those objects. Among the details displayed in the help files, you will find a number of additional messages that can generate interesting value ranges.
Learn More: See all the articles in this series
by Darwin Grosse on October 23, 2018