
Video Tutorial: Play a Movie

With jit.qt.movie, adding video playback to your patch is pretty simple, but it can seem intimidating at first. This video provides all the essential information to play and project Quicktime movies in Max, so you can start making your ultimate multimedia experience a reality with Jitter.

by Cycling '74 on 2011年3月8日 18:30

pismo's icon


3月 14 2011 | 9:01 午前

Cool I didn't know about the difference between the rate 0 message or stop and toggling off a qmetro. I just have a question, is the @unique 1 message also a good strategy in a situation where the movie rate is drive by datas (let's say audio volume for example).

Ben Bracken's icon

Ben Bracken

3月 14 2011 | 3:53 午後

Hi Pietro. @unique 1 is could still be useful in this situation. The thing to keep in mind is that when @unique is set to 1, no matrix will be sent out jit.qt.movie in-between each different frame, which is important to note if you are doing processing down the line.

Dragontheory's icon


4月 05 2011 | 5:40 午後

WOOOOOOW.... so much simpler in LOGIC.....

joyce's icon


6月 22 2014 | 8:12 午前

If I want Max to show the images of my computer camera ,then how to achieve this ?? PLEASE..

marker's icon


6月 23 2014 | 9:20 午後

jit.qt.grab on mac or jit.dx.grab on Windows. Install Quicktime software first when on windows.

joyce's icon


6月 24 2014 | 3:12 午後

thanks for your advice!!

joyce's icon


6月 25 2014 | 12:15 午前

sorry,I only know I should add jit.qt.grab , jit.window &toggle to max, anything else ? so that I can start this patch?

Stephane Morisse's icon

Stephane Morisse

6月 25 2014 | 6:13 午前

You should have a look at the help patch for jit.qt.grab, everything is inside...

Rob Ramirez's icon

Rob Ramirez

6月 25 2014 | 3:16 午後

use jit.grab. it's a simplified object and a simplified help-patch.
if you are on 10.9, the object is even simpler (although things like the "settings" message won't work).

joyce's icon


6月 28 2014 | 12:45 午後

thanks ,there is one thing that bother me now . I use my (Windows 7) computer to run jit.qt.grab, and it cannot be displayed image, cause I disable the computer's built-in camera, and open my external camera, I don't know where is the problem. However,if I use the camera of the computer .jit.window shows the image.