
Week 26: Export Image

Did you know you can export the image of your Max patch as a .png file?

Watch the entire Did You Know series on our Youtube playlist!

by Cycling '74 on July 18, 2011

Creative Commons License
Daams's icon


Do you know if is possible to send a message to max to export image ?

like something like that , in a message to max
;max exportimage

because i can!t do that.

Andrew Pask's icon

There is no message to Max which does this.


Pedro Santos's icon

That's not what Emmanuel Jourdan wrote more than two years before here:

There's a message to Max called exportimage:

exportimage message to max with syntax ";max exportimage patchername [pathname] [dpi] [x y width height]" where params in brackets are optional, patchername is a name previously used for the openfile message to max to open a patcherr, dpi is the resolution of the resulting image, and x,y,width,height specify the portion of the patcher to export.