
Week 33: matrixctrl

Did you know you can use Max to create graphics files for matrixctrl?

Watch the entire Did You Know series on our Youtube playlist!

by Cycling '74 on 2011年9月6日 18:30

Creative Commons License
peter nyboer's icon

peter nyboer

9月 06 2011 | 12:25 午後

Ha! Clever. I did not know about the Export image command. For those into JavaScript, here's a starter on scripting graphics for matrixctrl http://bit.ly/oph3Jn

Peter McCulloch's icon

Peter McCulloch

9月 07 2011 | 7:41 午前

Nice. Could be cool to demo this using arguments for the JSUI and uzi zl group, vexpr, and cycle.

xh9o's icon


9月 07 2011 | 10:00 午後

that´s sweet, thanks!