
Max Connect Europe

Max Connect is back (formerly known as Max 7 Hang)!

The previous events were such a hit, we had to do it again. This time we are blazing through Europe, visiting old friends, making new ones, and sharing our love of Max 7 and all its creative possibilities.

Whether you’re a seasoned user or have only thought about downloading our 30-day demo, we want to hang out with you and talk about Max.

Come for some swag, linger for refreshments, and stay for the people.

London: June 18 Music Hackspace (Unit 15, (ContainerVille) 5 - 10 Corbridge Crescent)Facebook eventEventbrite

Paris: June 22Music Unit (28, rue Kleber, 93100 Montreuil sous bois, Métro ligne 9, arrêt Croix De Chavaux)Facebook eventEventbrite

Berlin: June 25ACUD (Veteranenstraße 21 10119)Facebook eventEventbrite

Check back here for updates on presenters, dates and exact times.


by Rob Ramirez on June 4, 2015

Creative Commons License
hz37's icon

Would it be possible to add Amsterdam too? If so, I can maybe ask if SAE students can come over and be amazed by M4L.

Rob Ramirez's icon

hi hz37.
if you have an idea for a venue in Amsterdam, please get in touch with me at

hz37's icon

Rob, I'll do a bit of enquiring and will let you know, thanks!

Jan M's icon

Hi Rob,
STEIM ( would be a first choice. They do and support development an creation around electronic-instrumemental music and are one of the center points of the Max community there.

hz37's icon

Other possible venues:
- SAE Amsterdam
- De Waag (Amsterdam)
- HKU (Art school Utrecht)

I've asked SAE already if they are interested.

christopher ahn's icon

Can you make a stop in Switzerland? We have several venues who would be more than happy to host.

Rob Ramirez's icon

hey max-connectors, just a heads up.
we unfortunately had to pull the plug on the Rome event, due to scheduling conflicts. we look forward to visiting Rome for future Max Connect events!

Rob Ramirez's icon

First up on the Max Connect European tour, I'll be visiting London's awesome Music Hackspace venue. I am super stoked to be joined by the following presenters at the London Connect:
Nick Rothwell -
John 'Leafcutter John' Burton -
Iris Garrelfs -
Ned Rush -

it's gonna be a great start!

Rob Ramirez's icon

Not to be outdone, we're bringing some real heavy hitters to our Paris event, hosted at c74's own Manuel Poletti's Music Unit studio:
Mathieu Constans -
Emmanuel Jourdan -
Manuel Poletti -
Sam Tarakajian -

phiol's icon

ooh !! check out this all-star line up!
If you're in Paris France don't , I repeat don't miss out on this one. :-)
Lucky bastoids


Rob Ramirez's icon

For the final Max Connect Europe event, I could not be happier to be joining Tarik Barri, Christian Kleine, and some gentleman named David Zicarelli at Acud Macht Neu in Berlin!

Tarik Barri -
Christian Kleine -

bart at max (previously BITter)'s icon

Out of interest for the city of Brussels:
Is there some document how to ... get your city in the next Max Connect Europe?