Max Connect Europe

Max Connect is back (formerly known as Max 7 Hang)!
The previous events were such a hit, we had to do it again. This time we are blazing through Europe, visiting old friends, making new ones, and sharing our love of Max 7 and all its creative possibilities.
Whether you’re a seasoned user or have only thought about downloading our 30-day demo, we want to hang out with you and talk about Max.
Come for some swag, linger for refreshments, and stay for the people.
London: June 18 Music Hackspace (Unit 15, (ContainerVille) 5 - 10 Corbridge Crescent)Facebook eventEventbrite
Paris: June 22Music Unit (28, rue Kleber, 93100 Montreuil sous bois, Métro ligne 9, arrêt Croix De Chavaux)Facebook eventEventbrite
Berlin: June 25ACUD (Veteranenstraße 21 10119)Facebook eventEventbrite
Check back here for updates on presenters, dates and exact times.
by Rob Ramirez on June 4, 2015