
Content You Need: CNMAT Externals Update

CNMAT Externals for Max hold a special place for many Max users, myself included. The first serious Max patch I created was littered with resonators~ objects being fed with truly miserable-sounding combinations of numbers. To me, it sounded gloriously complex. Of course, there was a proper intended way to use the object in keeping with its Computer Music research origins, but abusing it was just as fun to me.

The OpenSoundControl and osc-route objects are obvious additions to every Max user's toolkit, and their unique UI objects might be just what you need for your project. For fans of sonic complexity and additive synthesis, the popular sinusoids~, oscillators~, harmonics~ and resonators~ let you define a mass of sounds all in a single object. All of the CNMAT externals are a result of the audio and music research done at their location in Berkeley, CA, where they also offer Max courses during the Summer months.

The latest release of this essential collection brings Windows 64-bit compatibility and a massive help file and documentation overhaul. You can find the CNMAT Externals in the Max Package Manager.

If nodes just isn't enough for your needs, CNMAT's deep rbfi object has you covered.

From CNMAT themselves:

We are pleased to announce an update to our legacy CNMAT Externals package.
This update includes a host of new features, including:
- 64-bit compatibility
- Updated help files and reference links
- Many fixed bugs and updates (see log)
- A new set of documentation reference files that accompany the help patchers

Special thanks to Rama Gottfried and Jeff Lubow for all of their work on the 64-bit build process, testing, fixes and tweaks, documentation updates, and a host of upcoming features. Thanks also to Edmund Campion and Jeremy Wagner for their assistance in the testing phase. This work is made possible with support from the College of Letters and Science and the Department of Music at the University of California, Berkeley.

The CNMAT Externals were conceived of / written by a number of researchers and staff throughout the years of CNMAT’s history, including Adrian Freed, Matt Wright, John MacCallum, Rama Gottfried, Jeff Lubow, Andy Schmeder, David Wessel, Ben Jacobs and others.

by Andrew Benson on April 24, 2018

Creative Commons License
yaniki's icon


Andrew's icon

Only recently discovered the huge amount of work done at CNMAT, it's a real bounty. Thanks to all involved.

Roald Baudoux's icon

Great! Thanks a lot for the Windows 64bit version, guys!

Les Stuck's icon

Well worth the wait! Thanks to all the nerds at 1750 Arch!

Pedro Santos's icon

Great! It seems the analyzer~ object didn't make it, even though earlier alpha/beta version on CNMAT's site seem to include it.

Gregory Taylor's icon

If I recall correctly, the analyzer~ object is no longer in the set for a reason. IIRC, it has to do with something related to its creator or their current situation or IP issues... something like that.

jml's icon

Hello Pedro!
Thanks for taking a peek at the new release.

Yes, as you have noticed, our release no longer includes analyzer~, bessel, bdist, randdist, nor firbank~ (looks like we also need to remove references to that in the overview). This is because the GPL licenses are at conflict with the UC Regents license that we are required to abide by. Because of this, we cannot distribute this code, but if you need it for your own purposes, we provide the source code via Github here. If you have any additional issues with this process, please feel free to contact us directly.

Thank you for using the CNMAT Externals!

Jeff Lubow, CNMAT

Kasper's icon

Why does it crash ??? !
all nice to have those externals (which I still use in max5 and have used since a long time) but, after installing it all - using the package manager, on max 735, 64 bits, on a Mac with OS Sierra - when I open the CNMAT overview and open the patches they
1/ say objects are unable to load
2/ sometimes make max crash
3/ some (like fireback~) just do not open - oh just noticed the post on top..... !

in Packages/CNMAT Externals/externals folder I have most (all ?) of the objects twice, once as .mxe and once as .max64 (some also are there as .mxo)
So what is happening ? which ones should I keep, knowing that sometimes (quite often maybe) I also open my max 7 as 32 bits version ?


Kasper's icon

In 32 bits opens just fine. Not in 64 - is this new update 32 bits only???


jml's icon

Hi Kasper - Thanks for your support in using our tools.
I would invite you to file an issue in our Github issue queue. I expect that we'll be able to get you all fixed up in no time!

Regarding the various versions (mxo, mxe, mxe64): we found it easier to bundle the 3 types of Max externals together into a single packages, which results in a single download to your local drive, no matter what type of Max user you are.

Looking forward,

Brian H.'s icon

I'm pretty screwed without [randdist]! Is it not available anywhere anymore? The link on John's site goes to CNMAT.

Source Audio's icon

randdist is missing from the latest build, but not in the older ones

jml's icon

Hi all,

Thank you for your continued interest in our externals. As mentioned earlier in this article's comments thread, we would very much appreciate being contacted directly, either via our website or via the Github issue queue.

Please use one of these two methods to contact us, as our staff is small and we do not check places such as these for queries.

Thanks and best,
Jeff Lubow, CNMAT

James Thomas's icon

Hello party,

In Packages/CNMAT Externalstv/externals folder I have most (all ?) of the objects twice, once as .mxe and once as .max64 (some also are there as .mxo) So what is happening ? which ones should I keep, knowing that sometimes (quite often maybe) I also open my max 7 as 32 bits version?

Thanks & Regards,