Package Arrival: The Sadam Library
I'm pleased to announce the release of musician/developer Adam Siska's Sadam library, which is now available via the Max Package Manager.
I'm hard-pressed to name another Package Manager release that ranges over such a broad territory - I'm sure that nearly everyone will find something in the Sadam library that fills some need (even a need you may not be aware of currently having). Here's a short list:
Complex Data Management tools: Base64 encoding/decoding, loseless data compression and decompression using the LZO library, a RapidXML wrapper for Max, a Document Object Model (DOM) interface for Max,
and a
Simple API for XML (SAX) interface for Max.Mathematical tools: Mean and Standard deviation calculation, Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common Multiple calculation for integers, and a generic interpolation/extrapolation tool.
Max tools: Detect/output empty strings, an expr-based envelope generator for function objects, floating point value detection and output, simultaneous list sorting, a multi-range split object, traffic control for bang messages ,and a semaphore control object.
MSP tools: Signal normalization, a phasor~ with a maximal resting state, band-limited random signal generation, a chaotic oscillator based on Chirikov's Standard Map, a signal sign-detector.
Streaming and Networking tools: Bidirectional TCP and client/servant objects and UDP sender/receiver objects
UI design tools: An alternative canvas for Max.
Head on over to the Package Manager to check out this wide-ranging collection.
by Gregory Taylor on July 7, 2020