
Project Focus: Ashley Fure's Anima

Here's a look at composer Ashley Fure's 2017 composition Anima, for augmented string quartet, performed by the Amaranth Quartet (Emily Botel: violin, Abigail Shiman: violin, Julie Michael: viola, Helen Newby: cello). It's a fascinating example of Max in action.

I wanted to mess around with that system a little bit, and see if I might be able to inject a little bit more volatility and chaos. - Ashley

by Les Stuck on April 10, 2018

Creative Commons License
jonathan segel's icon

This is great, great take on the use of transducers and mic. Is there any way to hear the whole performance?

Also: I miss Mills...dang.

rdomain's icon

Informative little interview with some interesting concepts.

And Jonathan, try this.

Ron's icon

I LOVE THIS!!! I was raised by a violinist, and very soon discovered improvisation - playing piano, then trumpet, then in Boulder found Ussachevsky one summer - who insisted I create my first acousstimatic composition for a summer workshop - life has never burn better!!! I taught music for years, and still compose....

Brian H.'s icon

Very cool– inventive, elegant, resourceful.
What exactly is a "computer music designer?"

Les Stuck's icon

In this case, the "computer music designers" are the Max programmers who worked with Ashley at IRCAM. You can be one, too!

Brian H.'s icon

Sign me up, Les!