
Visiones Sonoras 16 Preview

Over the last few years, we’ve reviewed – and participated in – the Visiones Sonoras media festival, in Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico. It has provided an exciting opportunity to engage with an energized group of artists, and to experience a remarkable wealth of visual and sonic art.

This year, the 16th edition of Visiones Sonoras will be held virtually, from September 23rd through the 25th, providing unprecedented access to the performances and presentations from the festival. We thought it would be a great idea to give a heads-up on this upcoming event, and give you a chance to attend – when it might otherwise be difficult or impossible!

VS16 is loaded with compelling performances, featuring:

  • Composer/performer Annabelle Playe, presenting “InLAND | come back in broad day”, a performance situated in an immersive 3D world.

  • The CHDH collective performing “Morphist”, using a unique set of audiovisual instruments for realtime performance.

  • Popular media performer Maotik presenting his space-bending 3D audio-visual worlds.

Other performance will be occurring throughout the festival. One that we are especially excited about is having two Cycling ’74 folks – Ashley Bellouin and Ben Bracken – performing with their unique blend of acoustic instrument design and audio processing.

Ashley and Ben are well-known in the Max world, and it’ll be fun to have them share their beautiful sonic creations more widely.

In addition, there are collaborations with the University of Concordia and UARTES of Ecuador. These include a variety of presentations (in Spanish and in English) on electronic music history, creative plug-in techniques and algorithmic music tools.


On the VS16 website, composer and curator Tonalli Nakamura points out that this year’s presentations embrace a mixture of design, programming and technology – a perspective that will feel like home to most Max users. Block off some time in September (virtually) visit Visiones Sonoras, and experience a different kind of festival!

Visiones Sonoras 16:

by Darwin Grosse on 2020年9月1日 17:20

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