get: no valid object set

R M's icon

Hi Folks,

I have read a few responses to this issue but unfortunately my knowledge is not sufficient to really understand what the solution is.

What I have gathered is as the Max devices are functioning it is not a huge problem in and of itself, however given that I use Ableton in a performative context I would like to clear these errors up - there's a lot of them and I can easily see how I could miss an important error code one day due to this 'traffic'.

How can I disable/turn off/fix these codes?

Thank you

tyler mazaika's icon

in general that will mean that a query is sent to the live.object or live.remote~ object but the current object id is 0 (the object isn’t mapped to any id). The id could be 0 because it never had a valid mapping/or one hasn’t been assigned since the object was instantiated. It could also happen that a valid mapping became invalid (because for instance it was mapped to a parameter on a device that was later deleted).

The trick will be knowing if you can call “getid” without triggering that error if there isn’t a valid id. I don’t recall if you can or not.

IMHO while your intent is definitely good, you may be risking pledging yourself to a fair bit more work that is more trouble than it is worth.

R M's icon

Hi Tyler,
Thanks for your response.

Unfortunately my intent is not quite as pure as you imagine. I have a Live set which contains all my tracks and I open it almost everyday - As you can imagine a constant pop up is okay for one or two projects, but in this case it does my we head in :s

Equally unfortunately I don't really understand the problem - your explanation is perfect, my knowledge on the other hand is sincerely lacking.

Consider this an S.O.S and an open call to anyone who feels technically able to support me with this I would be happy to hire you for some technical work.

R M's icon

Hey Guys this problem is getting worse and I'm not sure why - more max objects are giving me error messages and I haven't changed anything :(