param @displayorder
I'm experimenting with a patch that uses some of the RNBO examples and has 4 params at root level and around 10-11 more in 2 sub patchers, one for reverb and one that is a granulator object.
For some reason the @displayorder attribute doesn't seem to respond while these two sub patchers are in the main RNBO patch. If I delete them both then I can re-order the root level params perfectly well but if either of the sub patchers is pasted back in then the order gets scrambled in a way that isn't logical.
I will try and rebuild the whole patch but just wondering if this is possibly some kind of bug or if I'm missing something really obvious.
I tried the vst3 export and the @displayorder seems to be working fine for that target.
Also if I just start to build a new random patch with a sub patcher and export to Raspberry Pi it also seems to work so wondering if there is something about my patch that is preventing it from working.
Any ideas much appreciated.
Just pasting in the code in case anyone wants to try and load it:
I haven't tried yet with vst exports but I can confirm that at least for the Rasspery Pi export @displayorder has no effect on the browser interface. Though those two issues should not nessecarily be related.
Just had the same problem, could not figure it out how to solve it.
Seems that just the web interface is without the correct order.
Ok, good to know it's not just me, thanks.
When I start building from scratch it does work at the start but seems to be unpredictable.
Not sure if this is helpful, but I have to also match the Restore Order number. when i export to C++ that is what keeps all of my params in order.