playlist actualisation

m datamusic's icon

Hi there ! (and already thank you ..)

I'm pretty shure that the object "playlist" do not actualise the sounds loaded in : it means that if i have modified my sound file I need to restart max ?

Is it possible to force "playlist" to refresh ?

thanks a lot for your help.

TFL's icon

Hi, welcome here!
What do you mean by "if i have modified my soundfiles", is it overwriting them with other content but while keeping their name intact?

As far as I'm aware of, there's no builtin way to "refresh" the linked files, but you can definitely program this by yourself without needing to restart Max. It's a matter of:

  • getting the current content with getcontent message

  • remove everything from the playlist

  • then append each item we got in first step

m datamusic's icon

Hi TFL, and thank you for your response.

Yep, i was meaning "overwriting them with other content but while keeping their name intact"

I was using "playlist" mainly with the mouse, so i'll try with message you suggest.
Be right back ;)

But i doubt a bit, 'cause my problem is less a path-problem than a RAM-refresh data. I modify my soundfiles, and i'd like to ear them modified in the playlist, if possible.
(sorry for my english style).

Source Audio's icon

playlist ~ does save waveform of audio files

in user max folder.

Depending on max version and audio file type,

it is even worse, non native file types

(only wave and aiff are/were native) get converted to one of this 2 formats

and keep stored in cache even if you don't use them any more.

Maybe that changed in latest max version.

Anway, playlist is not best choice to play files which get modified on the fly.

Autpopulated umenu, does not care, you load files allways fresh from HD.

m datamusic's icon

Hi there, sorry for been away.
At the end, I won't modify my sound-files, it's just a step in progress. Later, i'll only launch them.

But i'm gonna check umenu, witch seems very powerfull.
Thank you for your answer.

Also, just to talk about playlist, it's a pain 'cause even if you send "clear", it clears the file-list, but not in the pattrstorage... : / and when I go from one preset to another, because of that, my patch crashes.

I didnt' find a way to manage data in pattrstorage, like "clear this in this preset"... Any help ?
Do I have to post a new topic for this question ?

Thanks a lot :-)

TFL's icon

You cannot "clear" parameters in stored presets, but you can set them to whatever value you want using setstoredvalue messages. Like setstoredvalue number 3 2 will set the value of number in preset 3 to 2.

Problem with playlist~ is that it is saved as a dictionnary, and if empty it saves a 0 instead of an empty dictionnary. But recalling a 0 doesn't clears the playlist~ sadly, which looks like a missing feature.

If all of your files are in the same folder, I would go with [umenu @autopopulate 1] and save the folder path in your presets instead of the file list, like so:

[pattr folder_path] (left outlet)> [prepend prefix] > [umenu @autopolulate 1]

If you make playlist with files from various location, I would build a custom playlist handler most likely using coll or dict and save the list of files full paths like so. It would allow you to still use playlist~ as an interface, and clear + add the saved filepaths to the playlist~ at preset recall.

m datamusic's icon

Thanks a lot for your help. umenu is very usefull =)

If you are interested you can check my work here :

Best regard.