
Auzzie is an easy-to-use audio toolkit modeled on Vizzie.

Auzzie is a set of higher-level modules that offer some common synthesis and processing techniques. It's design closely follows that of Vizzie, Cycling '74's collection of easy-to-use video modules. The point of Auzzie is to provide easy ways of making sound for people who are learning the basics of Max messages and patching. Auzzie also is a good rapid-prototyping tool for more experienced Max users who, for example, want to find out quickly what might be done with a particular sound file or want to experiment with machine-learning control without having to build a sound-rendering patch. Just as you can put together quickly an elaborate video signal chain using Vizzie, Auzzie lets you do something similar with audio.

Auzzie comprises sound file players, including granulation; synthesis modules, featuring simple wavetable, FM, filtered noise, and Karplus-Strong plucked string techniques; effects, including several types of filter bank, for imposing pitch on noisy sounds, spectral delay, and more prosaic techniques, such as ring modulator and tremolo processing; and routing modules, for getting sound in and out of Max, as well as managing its flow within a patch.

All sound in Auzzie is stereo. You connect modules with single patch cords, each of which is an MC 2-channel cable. If you know MC, it's easy to connect Auzzie directly to other kinds of MC patching ideas.

Auzzie exposes most of its settings to the patch attribute (pattr) preset system, and it also works with the Snapshot feature for quick preservation of patch state.


John Gibson
Latest Version
Max Version
8.3.0 or higher
Supported Platforms
macOS 10.13.x or higher
Intel 64-bit, Silicon
Windows 8 or higher
WebsiteOpen in Max