Max Packages

Beam for Max: Lighting Control Solution

Designed by our friends at Showsync, Beam for Max is a fully integrated lighting engine that lets you use your Max patches to control your show's lighting rig.

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Beam for Max

Music Composition Packages


by George Meikle

gtm.markov is built around two external objects for generating second-order Markov chains, which were developed using RNBO and codebox.


by Tom Whiston

OpenGL REPL for creating livecoding style interactions with Max patches


by Jonathan Pitkin

A small collection of patchers designed to facilitate the generation of sequences of MIDI notes and control change messages


by IRCAM & ISMM Team

CataRT-MuBu is a collection of Max patches for corpus-based concatenative synthesis, audio mosaicing, descriptor analysis, transcription, and composition (MuBu package required).


by Francesco Di Maggio

A Toolkit for Tinkering with Digital Musical Instruments. Think of it as a "Lego" set for your musical ideas.

A collection of objects and patches for modular sequencing with signals. Quickly and easily build a sequencing network that can trigger Max, MIDI, or CV instruments. Made with RNBO


by Daniele Ghisi

ears: a library for off-line algorithmic audio manipulation.


by John Gibson

Auzzie is an easy-to-use audio toolkit modeled on Vizzie.

RNBO Guitar Pedals

by Manuel Poletti & Cycling '74

A series of classic guitar processing effects built in RNBO.


by Tim Shatnyy

Modular-Synth package for your algorithmic composition.


by Karlheinz Essl et al.

A versatile toolbox for algorithmic composition and generative music in realtime. Offers the possibility to experiment with a number of compositional techniques, such as serial procedures, permutations and controlled randomness.


by Christopher Poovey

A suite of granulation tools that leverage the multichannel system in Max to allow for the rapid creation of creative granular tool.