Max Packages

Beam for Max: Lighting Control Solution

Designed by our friends at Showsync, Beam for Max is a fully integrated lighting engine that lets you use your Max patches to control your show's lighting rig.

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Beam for Max

Utilities Packages


by George Meikle

gtm.markov is built around two external objects for generating second-order Markov chains, which were developed using RNBO and codebox.

Beam for Max

by Showsync

Beam for Max is a fully integrated lighting control solution for Cycling ‘74’s Max. Create audiovisual works with synchronized interaction between light, sound and visuals.


by Jean-Michaël Celerier & Mathieu Chamagne

Process UltraLeap hand tracking data in Max


by Tom Whiston

OpenGL REPL for creating livecoding style interactions with Max patches


by Jonathan Pitkin

A small collection of patchers designed to facilitate the generation of sequences of MIDI notes and control change messages


by Francesco Di Maggio

A Toolkit for Tinkering with Digital Musical Instruments. Think of it as a "Lego" set for your musical ideas.


by Austin Franklin

Objects designed for the real-time automation of control parameters to compose music or improvise without the use of external controllers or hardware.


by Nick Hwang, Eric Sheffield & Anthony T. Marasco

Collab-Hub is a tool that helps artists, musicians, circuit-benders, game developers, and creative coders share data effortlessly between remote systems and collaborators (or on the same local network).

The QAC Toolkit

by Omar Costa Hamido

Abstractions and externals for Quantum-computing Aided Composition with Max.

CidLink For Max

by Enrico Pietrocola

A room based, easy to setup, real-time server/client communication system built for the internet, reliable connections even on mobile networks.

Generate XY coordinates in gen~. Explore different methods to interact with movements, trajectories and location in a two-dimensional space.



Dynamic programming environment for OSC