Entropia is an audiovisual performance, involving a spherical led filled structure, generative visuels, and for the sound part, a multi channel live act (ambisonics order 4) in which the composer uses spatialization, movement and real time effects applied throughout the entire sound field. At the core of the piece, all the audio is managed using Max Msp and the IRCAM Spat library that therefore operates as a transitional gateway for all audio signals.
Motion and Density are the central point of Entropia. Therefore, it was necessary to think out some particular device in order to orchestrate the saptialization in real time. As an interactive tool in controlling these movements, software Iannix was an obvious choice to combine with Max msp. In addressing the creation of geometry, the software allows the 3D sound dimension of the work to be connected with the spatial dimension in an architectural sense.
Sources positionning in the 3D space are sent to Max / msp – then recreates the movements in the ambisonical context. Along these trajectories, the composer controls the sources motions velocity. He can transform these curves in realtime, and modulate their transformation. All these parameters are also monitored and weighted using control interface.
The various tools (IanniX and max-msp) are interconnected over Internet (wifi) using OSC protocol.
This is amazing.
Bump MDA! Amazing!
May 2015