Max 7 Book

This is the third version of the book Electronic Music and Sound Design Vol. 1, updated for Max 7. The book is an overview of the theory and practice of Max and MSP, with a glossary of terms and suggested tests that allow students to evaluate their progress. Comprehensive online support, running parallel to the explanations in the book, includes hundreds of sample patches, analyses, interactive sound-building exercises, and reverse engineering exercises. This book will provide a reader with skill and understanding in using Max/MSP for sound design and musical composition.

Authors: Alessandro Cipriani and Maurizio Giri (Foreword by David Zicarelli)

Available in both electronic and "paper" format.

Masa's icon

Hi Maurizio, are you planning to sell this book in Kindle format? I usually try to stick to Kindle rather than iBooks for organising purpose, but if you are not planning to, I would just buy the iBooks version.

Thanks a lot,

Maurizio Giri's icon

Hi Masa, the Kindle version doesn't offer the same quality of the iBook, so at the moment we aren't planning a Kindle version.


Masa's icon

Thank you Maurizio. I didn't know about the quality difference. Is it about images?
I am going to buy the iBooks one. Thanks a lot.


matos's icon

Perhaps it's a silly question but is there an option to update from a previous version? I bout the April 2016 edition on iBooks.

Eduardo Gomez's icon

Where are the Audio examples?
Pg.43 example sound AA.1.1, AA1.2, AA1.3?


Erik Jones's icon

Hi Maurizo,

I've been looking for a solid resource for learning Max and just discovered your book. I see that you updated it for Max 7. Will there be an updated version for Max 8?