Performer - Performance Master Snapshot Controller for the Elektron's Dark Trinity

When using hardware at some point you end on a wall you can't go through... Max allowed me to go through that wall countless times so far.
On this opportunity the wall breaker is Performer. Performer is a "Performance Master Snapshot Controller" programmed in Max, that uses the Ableton's Push controller to control a selected set of parameters on the Elektron's Octatrack, Analog Four/Keys, Rytm.
I developed it as a tool to be used when performing Live with those machines. It still needs some optimisations in some areas but, so far so good, thanks Max!
Good Afternoon Gustav,
Im looking for someone to help me create a Tranpose MaxforLive patch. You seem like you have a pretty good handle on how to code in Max.
Would you be able to help me out?
This is what Im trying to do:
Ive been looking for and trying to figure out how to create a Transpose Device.
This device would:
-have an up and down functionality (2 buttons)
-each button would transpose up or down 1 semitone from the current position
Basically just like the “Pitch” Midi Effect, but instead of a knob control…its split into 2 button controls (up/down)
Please let me know if you can help or steer me in the right direction. So far Ive been trying to learn the process from youtube, but I think im missing a few critical programming elements to finish it.
Thanks in advance for your help, Bruce