ray.sniff~ convert our web field

I create a Max external object.

I hope you to use it with your great/crazy/smart idea.



vichug's icon

Very beautiful concept

foldh's icon

The sounds on the video are fantastic! Is there a compiled version for Windows users?



leico's icon

Thank you!

I will create it as soon as possible. > Windows version.
or Could anyone fork it and pull request in gitHub? May be use WinPcap(http://www.winpcap.org/).


ryoiseki's icon

音楽制作をしていて是非使いたいのですが、MAXを持っておらず知識もなく使えなくて困っています(MAX/MSP Runtimeでは駄目でしょうか)。

woyteg's icon

love this!

leico's icon


日本語全然大丈夫です! 生身は日本人です。

アプリケーション -> Max6 Runtime -> Cycling '74 -> msp-externals

Max Runtimeを起動する時にAdmin権限が必要なのが難点ですが、是非是非使ってくださいな。

leico's icon

Thanks! ;-)

ryoiseki's icon


ですがアプリケーション -> Max6 Runtime -> Cycling ’74 -> msp-externalsにray.sniff~.mxoをいれてからが分からず困っております。

leico's icon





I put simple ray.sniff~ patch.
take it and Enjoy!

Max Patch
ryoiseki's icon



ray.sniff~: unable to load object bundle executable


vichug's icon

i too have a problem of missing object bundle executable
(see max console output :ray.sniff~: unable to load object bundle executable
2014-04-09 21:17:12.435 Max[200:207] Cannot find executable for CFBundle 0x25138090 (not loaded)

moreover, if i open ray.sniff~.mxo, tere is nothing like an executable inside... i will try to recompile if needed, but...

leico's icon

Oops! I got same problem in Max6.0.8.
It works fine in Max 6.1.4.
I will fix soon. Please take a moments. I will announce here when I will have fixed.
A problem is caused by Build setting.

Max 6.1.4だと綺麗に動きますわー

leico's icon

I fixed!!!

Please download again.github.com/leico/ray.sniff-
I want to see your work with ray.sniff~. Also I'll introduce your work in this page.
Please tell me!



vichug's icon

hey, same error here, i'm on max 616 :s

leico's icon

for vichug
hmmmm. It works on Max 6.1.6 in my Mac.

I have Some questions.

  • Do you download a new version?

  • Which OS do you use?

  • Running on 32bit or 64bit ?


vichug's icon

hey !
->yes, i downloaded latest version on GIthub
->osx 10.6.8
->max is 32 bits

ryoiseki's icon


OSX 10.6.8
max 32bitです。

leico's icon


There are same OS. I think it's caused by LLVM.
My OS is Marvericks. So I will try to find Snow Leopard and compile.


Snow Leopardかぁ! 多分コンパイラがLionから変わったのが原因かな。
自分はMarvericks使っています。Snow Leopard探してみます。

vichug's icon

ah... i've seen stuff about retrocompatibility for snow leo not beeing enabled by default on latest MacOS... might be that yes, but afaik the tools for retrocompatibility can be used on mavericks - though they are not there by default.

leico's icon

Today, I borrow a Snow Leopard Macbook from school.
so I will try to compile and debug tomorrow.

今日学校からSnow Leopardを借りたので、明日コンパイルとデバッグしてみますねー

vichug's icon

nice, thanks :)

leico's icon

I upload Snow Leopard version.
Please try it.https://github.com/leico/ray.sniff-

vichug's icon

Hey, it works !
Though not as well as on your video... sounds are more sparse, at 16 bits.

will it work better with video streaming ? With social websites/email ? What does the 'glitch' switch do exactly ?

vichug's icon

Hah it works way much better with "en1" - what does "en1" mean ??

leico's icon

so, glitch message sets margin when do not sniff data.
Network packet size is normally 1500bytes.(over 1500bytes called jumbo frame : now work in progress ;-) )
(glitch 1) : when no data, create 1500bytes mute, sometimes overflow ;-P
(glitch 0) : when no data, create 0001byte mute
Default is (glitch 1)

also, you could change pitch with Max's sampling rate.
my movie use 44100.

Macbook has 2 network ports.
en1 : wireless LAN port.
en0 : wired LAN port.

find your best settings! Enjoy!!

leico's icon

パケットサイズは普通1500バイトで送られてきます。(現在1500バイト以上のジャンボフレームと呼ばれる方式も存在します。現在実装中;-) )
(glitch 1) : データが無い時、1500バイト分のミュートを作ります。時々オーバーフローします
(glitch 0) : データが無い時、0001バイト分のミュートを作ります。
通常は(glitch 1)です。


en0 : 有線LANポート
en1 : 無線LANポート


vichug's icon

ooh, so taht en1/0 is quite crucial indeed ;-) thanks!

leico's icon

Next update

  • for Windows

  • Completely sniffing

  • stability

Please take a moments.


  • Win版の製作

  • データキャプチャの精度向上

  • 安定性向上


Wax's icon

Clicking on 'Start Sampling' in the help file is crashing Max 6.1.6. Just downloaded the latest version from Github. Wouldn't initially load and had to unzip the file (ray.sniff~.mxo_10.6.zip) in the externals folder which then loaded, but crashed on first test.

I had Safari 7.0.2 open each time it crashed.

Screenshot of un-responsive Max window attached.

foldh's icon

Great to see that a version for Windows will be coming with the next update. Very much ooking forward to it.

vichug's icon

@wade : did you launch Max with AdminLaunch ? or anohter way to have super user admin rights ?

leico's icon

Maybe, you don't use AdminLaunch.
but, sorry not enough test when normally launch.
I will check and fix crash point.

I try as soon as possible!

Thank you for your advice.

Wax's icon

@vichug: I didn't know I needed to run it. Saw the link but I already have Admin rights on my machine, so I assumed I didn't need it. Isn't that the same thing, or does this need root access or something?

I'll give it a try. Thanks for the heads up!

vichug's icon

ye, on my machine it didn't work without launching from AdminLaunch
i tried a command su open Max.app but it didn't work neither (although didn't try for long, mayeb i jsut had my password wrong)

Wax's icon

@vichug: I tried it with AdminLaunch but after typing in my password, opening the help file, and then opening some websites in Safari, I'm not getting any sound beyond a few little clicks and short chirps once in a while, and that was only with the glitch button on. With just the regular button on I got nothing.

Am I doing something wrong?

vichug's icon

did you use the 'en' argument suited to your current network conifguration ? ( en1 for airport, en0 for ethernet)

leico's icon

ray.sniff~ using a low level interface.
So we have to open a interface with administrative permission.
now I am finding good solution this problem.

ray.sniff~.maxhelp embed the minimum setting of ray.sniff~.
ray.sniff~ use default interface as a wired(en0).
However, many people use wireless interface as default, It will change ;-).
if you want to use wireless(en1), add a interface in 2nd argument.
For example:
[ray.sniff~ 16 en1]

leico's icon

If you open as root using Terminal.app, use this command:sudo Max.app/Contents/MacOS/Max

leico's icon

New ray.sniff~ coming soon.

leico's icon

I published new version. Try it.

foldh's icon

Hi, still looking at a Windows version?

leico's icon

now I'm busy for OMMF!
I try after that.

giorgio's icon
leico's icon

OMG! What a cool works!
I want introduce your works on this page top. May I do it?


giorgio's icon

as you wish Leico.
I had fun doing it and your ray.sniff~ is really great!!!



leico's icon

thank you Giorgio!
I update this page now. I put your great works.


leico's icon

ray.sniff~ come back.
rebuild on "MacOS" 10.11 & MaxSDK 7.1https://github.com/leico/ray.sniff-


giorgio's icon

a couple of new videos made using ray.sniff~



leico's icon

Hi Giorgio

So cool! Awesome work!!

Now C74 project page can't change.

I'll contact C74 can I / how to change project page. When it possible, I'll introduce your work on top.


giorgio's icon

No worries, I just wanted to share something and thanking you again for ray.sniff~
I had lots of fun with it.



Wax's icon

Finally got around to getting this working! Thanks for the help @leico and for your great object.

Just hearing noise though, on and off... nothing but white noise when I do a web search.
Is there some special filtering I need to do to get more interesting results?

@Giorio: Your examples are wicked. :)

leico's icon

Thanks for the reply.
That result is correct for the current version.
I have been updating this object about every year or so.
Among them, I have made the following improvements.

  1. Fixed an issue where I couldn't convert all the data to sound when I had too much data

  2. Improved stability by revising the algorithm

  3. Support for the latest version of Max

The buffer size for pooling data has been increased to improve 1. As a result, we have succeeded in converting all the data into sound, unless it is a massive download/upload.
However, the modern internet seems to be too much information and too fast. A little communication generates so long sound data.

This object can select bit depth in 1st argument where use to convert to sound from communication data. It could select from 8, 16, 24 and 32.
Also, sampling rate of the application also affects the cycle of this object's conversion.

giorgio's icon

Thank you, I would suggest to experiment with different bit depths.
I run a patch with 4 objects at different bit (8, 16, 24 and 32) to get a variety of sounds.

Ciao, Giorgio

Wax's icon

Thanks, I've been playing with the bit depths, but they all sound the same with the settings I have.

Thanks for your response. Could you give me an example of the arguments?
Is this correct?:
ray.sniff~ 8 en1 1 80

Also, in the maxhelp file, it has glitch $1 and clear messages. Both of which cause an error. Should those be removed? I could have an old maxhelp file though...

giorgio's icon

this is what I use on my mac running MAX 8 on MAC OS El Capitain.
I open ADMIN LAUNCH first to launch MAX from it and then open
the ray.sniff patch. Let me know if this works.

ray.sniff stuff.zip
application/zip 67.01 KB

Wax's icon

Thanks Giorgio! Yes, this is the same sounding as mine. I modified the en3 to en0 as it wasn't matching my network. Maybe my internet traffic isn't as good sounding as yours. :)

I did notice that changing the I/O vector size and signal vector size (Audio Status) made the biggest difference is sound...

I used AdminLaunch to run the patch you posted. However, I find it easier to just run Max using a shell script with a double click. You might find it useful. You'll have to re-add your File Preferences.

application/zip 0.70 KB

giorgio's icon

Thank you for the tip.
I also noticed a big difference between WiFi connection (richer sounds) and Ethernet (not so rich)
so maybe try WiFi if you didn't already.

leico's icon


Hello, Giorgio. I'm very happy to see that you continue to use it. Also thank you for sharing your experience.


Is this correct?:
ray.sniff~ 8 en1 1 80

The second, third, and fourth arguments specify the network interface, IP address, and subnet mask.
IP address and subnet mask is integer value.
The third and fourth arguments are often used with 0, and, are not used correctly and will be removed soon.
The fifth argument allows you to set a filter for capture. For example, if you specify "port 80", only the data on port 80 will be converted.

I did notice that changing the I/O vector size and signal vector size (Audio Status) made the biggest difference is sound...

Yes, This object translates from communication data to sound in a low layer, pretty directly.
Therefore, Max's Audio Settings will affect the sound of this object.
I hope you enjoy that as well.


Wax's icon

Thanks @LEICO. Just not sure how to turn it from heavy noise into more interesting noises. :) Lower packet trace route works pretty good though...

@GIORGIO: It definitely helps to use it with wifi, the sound is definitely better. Thanks for mentioning that. I was on ethernet before.

giorgio's icon

Thank YOU!
I'm still enjoying using it!!

giorgio's icon

Hi Leico, is there any updated version of ray.sniff by any chance?

It doesn't work anymore on newer mac.



since 2011. Published 2014


