Whiter Room - The Oculus Video

The video (Tobias Rosenberger) is completely generated in Jitter. The music (Patrick Zosso) was done with Ableton & Max for Live. Images and Sound are connected and get further manipulated in realtime by head movements and position changes. Thanks to Graham Wakefield for the Oculus External!

Matthew Valcourt's icon


I am trying to get data from the oculus, specifically head tracking data, into MAX do you have any advice? I found Graham Wakefield's oculus external but I'm having trouble it out. I have also taken a look at this: http://www.rossbencina.com/code/oscpack but had no luck. If anyone has any pointers for a college student trying to get oculus data into MAX please let me know at your convenience. Thanks!


24.02.2015 - 26.02.2015


Fleetstreet Theater, Hamburg