8.field - installation for light, sound, and code

8.field is an immersive light and sound environment by Luc Bokor-Smith. It is comprised of over 3,000 individually-addressable RGB LEDs and four speakers, which are driven by a generative audiovisual system composed in Max/MSP.
The light and color data are spilled out from Jitter matrices within Max, and output via the Art-Net DMX protocol to an ENTTEC Pixelator. The audio environment is primarily comprised of additive synthesis, filtered noise, and gated low-frequency sine tones, and is designed for quadraphonic systems.
When composing, Bokor-Smith drew inspiration from films of the 1980s, along with the work of artists such as Dan Flavin and Jenny Holzer. 8.field premiered at Brown University in Providence, RI from March 19-23 2018, where it was presented in part by the Brown Arts Initiative.
premiere: march 19 - 23, 2018 // granoff center for the creative arts // providence, ri
video by louis wei; photos by kei kinoshita.
I wonder if he used the old DMX object or just freestyler and internal midi
@cooptrol I used David Butler's artnet controller object to output the DMX values. I got those formatted by spilling matrices out with a combination of jit.coerce, jit.spill, and a bunch of zl. objects.
Nice! Thanks for the insight!