Blip Shaper, Creating Patterns and Shaping Sounds
The audio is developed entirely in Max/MSP and performed using Max for Live. Battery and Drumaxx are embedded in vst~ objects and the parameters are organized and controlled via Max. The audio is recorded into a Max buffer. The cut-up and DSP effects are developed entirely in Max using ~phasor and ~wave objects.
12月 20 2011 | 5:04 午後
Very cool project indeed!
The effort developing this whole thing deserves a big ton of respect.
I think it just needs a bit more of coupling the visual impression to audible effects... Maybe not control the sound of a single basedrum ( which is kind of a small, narrow defined audio-engineering-style of audio-interaction ), but rather manipulate whole fx-chains maybe...
1月 14 2012 | 12:37 午前