broken umbrella strings
Language exists to be meaningful and is used by human beings to communicate with other human beings.
When words are used to represent mis-information they are transformed into a nonsense, which obstructs discourse and hinders communication.
broken umbrella strings is used to explore these ideas.
Where MaxMsp is used:
1) node.script and Twitter api are used to constantly listen for twitter posts by a president renowned for using twitter to post hypocritical, misleading and contradictory messages. When a tweet is posted it is automatically downloaded from twitter to Max.
2) The characters/letters of each post are translated into an abstract representation. The colour of each determined by the character and the word in which they are used.
3) node.script and Twitter api instantaneously post the re:worked message to twitter.
This ongoing project will continue to tweet messages as equally subjective and hopefully infused with more meaning than the originals, from which they were spawned.