
Geff is a standalone audio effects application to use with your guitar, like you would a collection of stompboxes.

It includes a variety of effects from the following categories, including Drive, Delay Lines, Filtering, Dynamics, Time Modulators, Amplitude Modulators, Reverb and more. Add as many effects and re-arrange them as you like.

Geff is separated to three components, Header or Input component, Middle or Effects, and the Footer or Output component. As their names suggest, the Input component manages the audio input, the Effects create and includes the used effects, and the output manages the audio output.

In addition, Geff has the ability to map your MIDI controller to almost any of its parameters, very easy:

- Enable the MIDI mapping

- Hover over a control

- Move the MIDI controller.

- Voilà!

*All done with plain Max 7*

Brian__Buchanan's icon


2月 10 2017 | 1:22 午前

FYI, the project website links are listed as "hhtp" instead of "http."

Otherwise, this looks pretty neat!

Ernest's icon


2月 10 2017 | 6:27 午前

Looks neat. It does not mention the developer is charging 20 euros for a copy.

Nikolas K's icon

Nikolas K

2月 10 2017 | 9:08 午前

@Brian__Buchanan, thank you, I also corrected the links (thanks also about that!).

@Ernest, thank you also for the good word! As for the price, I don't mind having a price tag on it, but I haven't seen any project showing a paid app, having one (I haven't seen them all though!).

Anyway, thank you both!




Athens, Greece
