Interactive scale model at
The whole system is build in Max, five computers are connected with each other and are controlled through OSC. All the elements of the systems are divided in five different patches like the database of more than one hundred items, the projection mapping on the model, three touchscreens and the synchronization of the video's,
11月 18 2013 | 5:28 午後
I'm very curious, this looks awesome and completely different from the kind of professional projects Max is usually used for ; so how did you find the opportunity to work there ?
Rnul interactive
4月 09 2014 | 9:20 午前
Thanks Vichug!
We use Max almost for every project we do. We've being used Max for more than ten years now, so it's often the best way for us to get complex installations stable working. In most cases, we are asked to do assignments as a result of our independent projects we did.