Julia Mihály: The Counting Sisters
The stage performance is an allegory for a ritual of „counting the dead“ as told in the story of "The Counting Sisters" by Amar Kanwar, based on Indian folk tales, where six women (in an act of political resistance) collect information around people who recently died due to political „issues“. Further it is the translation of a general phenomenon of digital interconnection: The more information we receive, the less we notice. The more we see, the less we see.
Voice & resonating body form the nucleus of all sound and stand in interactive correspondence with a real time sound modulating Max7 patch. The performer’s body functions as a projection surface for visual translations of text immanent processes. The body extends from raw performative expressions to a tool of interaction between the performer and the computer. The voice is modulated, entering delay lines with flexible movements within a stereo panning, ring modulation, spectral delay with FFT, combfilter and pitch shifting.