Max for Live *sq07 — Dynamic Step Sequencer

*sq07 is a monophonic 8-step sequencer in which each step is assigned a pitch value.
Each individual step can also have an individual length or subdivision value, which can be set via the vertical axis and can also be randomized.
In two different modes, the steps are extended or are subdivided according to the set value.
The extended or subdivided steps can be played in various forms; either the step is paused over the set period, only a short event or only a long event is played or the step is triggered in the corresponding number of events, depending on the set length/subdivision.
If several events are played per step, these can also be faded in or out. Furthermore, each event can be globally split into two parts and provided with swing phrasing.
Further documentation can be found in the Max for Live device if Ableton Live´s Help View is turned on.
The concept of this device built in Max/Max for Live (Cycling ´74/Ableton) was inspired by a video from the Max Sequencing Tutorials Youtube series by Philip Meyer in which a sequencer is built in Max that resembles the Intellijel Metropolis Sequencer. Parts of the patch explained in the video are also used in this Max for Live device.
Instruction Video: