
MindDraw by China Blue in collaboration with Christopher Konopka and neuroscientist Seth Horowitz is a pioneering real-time interactive viewer participation work that enables people to create beautiful brain based images. Through the usage of an EEG data sensor brain waves are converted into stunning constantly fluxing images and sound. To engage the work, the participant sits near the projection and simply dons the brainwave sensor headset. With the headset in place MindDraw enables the user to look into their own mind and see their internal world reflected in dynamic externalized patterns. And, although the brain wave frequencies monitor the conditions of attention, awareness, relaxation, sleep, and cognition, MindDraw shows how all of these elements emerge and interact in an intricate dance.
With MindDraw we are extracting one of nature’s most complex patterns, this is more than just a simple light and sound summation of brainwave frequencies but the epiphenomenon of the mind.
East Coast, USA