The concatenative real-time sound synthesis system

CataRT plays grains from a large corpus of segmented and descriptor-analysed

sounds according to proximity to a target position in the descriptor

space. This can be seen as a content-based extension to granular

synthesis providing direct access to specific sound characteristics .Explorative real-time synthesis from heterogeneous sound da-

tabases allows to exploit the richness of detail of recorded sound

while retaining efficient control of the acoustic result by using per-

ceptually meaningful descriptors to specify a target in the multi-

dimensional descriptor space. If the selection happens in real-time,

this allows to browse and explore a corpus of sounds interactively

nakatano's icon


11月 07 2013 | 8:36 午後

Arf, unfortunately, the Soundcloud link doesn't work !

zakarya's icon


11月 08 2013 | 11:39 午後


12 MAY 2013


“Pietro della Valle” Italian School of Tehran
