A realtime modular composition and processing software for sound design and experimental music like glitch, IDM, electroacustic, ambient...
Gleetchlab 3 is a modular software designed to process audio files and live sound sources in realtime.
Unlike many music softwares, gleetchlab does not use a "timeline", instead you can process and record sound as it plays and quckly store every parameter into ten easy-to-recall temporary presets.
You can manipulate samples with random loop points, alterate speed and direction of playing without limits, pencil-edit waveforms and use the internal DSPs such as convolution, feedback generator, granular re-synthesis, waveshaping distortion, spectral filtering, wow simulation, dynamic reverberation and your own VST plugins.
Also you can record and re-record endlessly each processed sound into the 6 stereo loopers or manipulate sources coming from your soundcard and last but not least, use a quadriphonic suround mixer/recorder.
June 2009
Milan, Italy