Rubix Generator

An RNBO web app built with angular/firebase.
What to do:
Click the load audio button to load and start the RNBO device. Use headphones for best experience.
Use the buttons to rotate faces (based on rubix cube notation, see ).
Click "scramble" to randomize the cube state, and "reset" to return it to a solved state.
How it works:
Each color corresponds to a note in a pitch collection.
Every time a note impulse occurs, it is filtered through a different rhythmic pattern for each face, and if the step is "on", it will trigger motion in a simple state machine that only allows forward motion across the 9 squares present on a cube face.
This triggers a note at that location (which has a few spatialized parameters base on the squares position) and an animation that moves the light for that face to the new square of the cube.
It's probably easier to see/hear than it is to read about, try it out!
Additional comments:
This is less of a "game" mostly an experiment with the capabilities of using RNBO web exports to create the audio part of web based interactive audio-visual content on mobile devices. Have to say I was pleasantly surprised. Currently working on an angular library for RNBO devices and will publish it as a public npm package sometime in the next month.
Check out the code at:
Halifax NS