Virtual Dance Party

Virtual Dance Party is a 2 hour live stream experience featuring music, live dancing, live visuals, and live art.

The Level, a nickname for the third floor apartment of three friends, was once hosting regular parties, but due to the current shelter-in-place orders, the spirit of these parties are now being streamed weekly online.

Max has been the most integral technical component of our production. Currently it is being utilized to mix many video input sources, trigger logos, and add effects. Two MIDI keyboards allow one person to control all these elements in real time, affecting the final visual output of the stream. Often we are in disbelief of what ends up coming out! The various Vizzie objects have made it really easy to add effects. We most recently started using the CHROMAKEYR and were blown away by the results. Check out the video to see for yourself!

Tune in on Twitch every Friday from 8pm-10pm CST and join the party!