W.I.S.E. (Wavetable-Integrated Sample Engine) is an experimental sample player developed for Max for Live, featuring a topology-inspired design that employs complex wavetables and modulation parameters for real-time control over a sample’s time domain: the audio file’s playback speed is controlled by an incoming stream of amplitude values.
This device is a mix between an audio effect and an audio instrument: it allows to create variations of the same sound or entire new textures* very quickly, by making use of peculiarly shaped control waveforms - the amplitudes of each wavetable have been also integrally summed up and normalized, following a specific ratio - to maintain a time-domain relationship between the unprocessed (DRY) and the processed (WET) sample.
The two samples share a topological connection, and the control wavetables - despite their varying shapes - also share a “common path” in journey duration due to their consistent summed and renormalized index values.