
xp4l is a fully integrated system designed to expand with simplicity Ableton Live potential toward the field of spatial sound performance. The goal of xp4l is to provide Ableton users with a flexible and simplified environment to create 3d audio projects.

It is made of a free m4l suit consisting of 5 devices and a standalone application that users have to purchase.

The project is partly based on Ircam Spat library, a max-msp object library unique for its ability to simulate virtual acoustic spaces. The project aimed as well to hybridize spatial sound work with a jitter context to offer new perspective in spatial sound design. Then, all the 3d part is handled through a 3d view (a jit.world context), which is kept dynamically instantiated with Ableton.

With 176 patches/abstraction the project covers almost all areas of max through one standalone, 5 Ableton devices, and spreads over 4 instancing contexts (max/msp/jitter, ableton, ircam spat, max for live).

fraction's icon

xp4l has been update in XP 1.11, supporting mac OS intel & M1, Ableton 10 to the very last 11.6

XP is made of a standalone and 5 max for live devices.

A new project will be submitted later. In the meantime, please visit www.xp4l.com

fraction's icon

XP 1.12 is out.

1.12 log info :

  • bugs :
    - xp.engine : bug fix for speaker layout
    - xp.group : bug fix for enable/disable procedural animation
    - xp.source : bug fix for clear alias
    - standalone : solo patcher hierarchy change (minor bug)
    - standalone : bug fix osc syntax for rotation procedural
    - standalone : bug fix for group delete

  • Improvement :

- xp.engine passthrough decoding for ambisonics
- standalone : ircam spat check at start up.
- standalone improvements in registering interface
- xp.source : keymode for alias in xp.source
- standalone :check for update
- standalone :message system improvements

Normally, the installation should not overwrite your preset folder, but it is better to save it manually just in case prior to update.

Open ~/Library/Application Support/Xp
copy the preset folder, install, check your presets, and if all is well, delete that copy.

fraction's icon

XP 1.13 is out

1.13 log info :
Xp is now supporting Ableton live 11.2.6 / Mac os inte & m1

Release log

Release date 10.11.22


  • supports Ableton live 11.2.6

  • supports Ircam spat~ 5.2.9

  • signed and notarized application

  • update system

  • xp icons for the devices

  • doc updated for xp.room/xp.sm

New device____

  • xp.sm : split and merge audio files


  • xp.room : new ui (time view)

  • xp.engine : speakers layout user library extended

  • xp.engine : configuration panel - monitoring hide/show

  • xp.engine : record/play interface hide/show

  • xp.engine : configuration ui blinking


  • bug fixes for all devices when quiting Ableton (maxmsp api)

  • xp.room : bug for custom parameters recall

  • xp.engine : bug fixes for setwidth for configure/record intefaces

fraction's icon

A quick update on XP:
The current version is 1.1402.
XP comes now with 7 max for live devices and a standalone.

It supports mac (intel & M1), and windows 10&11, Ableton 11.3.2, and uses Ircam spat library 5.3.1

Please subscribe to the youtube channel where we publish regularly tutorials.
The last one is about the head-tracking, a feature embedded in XP

And follow the version history update on Ircam Forum dedicated page

fraction's icon

XP has been update to 1.20. This update is by far the one that required the most work. This version corrects many imperfections, a few bugs (including 1 major one on M2), and a large part of the code has been redesigned inside the standalone, to put the project on a basis offering a brighter future.

Xp now supports glCore, Maxmsp's most up-to-date visual rendering engine. This was the reason for the update in June, but having encountered a major bug in max, I had to wait for cycling'74 to update to 8.5.6, which it did in early September. In the meantime, this gave me the opportunity to make a number of important changes, which justify upgrading from 1.15 to 1.20 for the history version. Important new features include the ability to automatically record procedural movements coming from the application, and improved sound attenuation settings (with the ability to visualize them).


fraction's icon

xp.source.pan, a new device will be added to the 1.20 package, from next week.
The device working and more is detailed in our last tutorial :

fraction's icon

Xp has been updated to 1.30, and now offers a demo version. It comes now with 12 max for live devices.

Please visit to download and try it out : https://www.xp4l.com/downloadxp/

See some tutorials : https://www.youtube.com/@xp4l