Max 9.0.3 Release Notes
This page contains a record of fixed bugs and added features.
If you know of an issue which is outstanding or you would like to report a bug, please fill out our Bug Reporting Form or contact our Support team here:
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Release Notes
New Features
- buffer~: file attribute
- Displays: info added to Support Info & Max Log
- drunk / random: cycle attribute and reset message
- drunk: middle inlet accepts list to set range
- drunk: floatoutput attribute
- drunk: range attribute
- drunk: seed attribute
- drunk: setresetvalue message
- drunk: stepsize attribute
- jit.geometry: named geometry data container
- reset message
- clear message
- jit.ui: save state of objects with pattrstorage / pattr
- makenote: @repeatmode 4 to ignore retriggered notes
- mc.scope~: mctrigchan attribute
- Preferences: audio button in bottom toolbar
- Preferences: Show Patcher Inspector By Default
- REPL: attribute paths work (fe: ::obj::attr < js <code>)
- repl: defer attribute
- repl: mirror attribute to echo commands out right outlet
- repl: object can execute REPL commands like the Max Console instance
- spray: -1 sends to all outputs
- Toolbar Transport: set tempo with option-drag on icon
- trapezoid~: wrapmode attribute
- v8: 'boxtext' attribute to get text of box
- v8: 'getattrattr' and 'setattrdefault' methods
Fixed Bugs
- abl.device.echo~: fixed crash
- adc~ / dac~: double click in locked patcher opens Audio Preferences
- attrui: fixed setting color of multiple objects
- Autocompletion: fixed synatx coloring issues
- buddy: inlet coloring dynamically updates
- Codebox / Text Editor: improved syntax coloring
- coll.codebox: fixed assoc usage
- collectives: fall back to compatible externals on disk
- crosspatch: fixed crash with bad connection data
- Database: improved filtering of Package contents
- dict.unpack: restored leftmost 'dummy' outlet if no keys are set
- dspstate~: fixed usage in poly~ and pfft~
- File Preferences: saves on every change (does not require a restart)
- Find Snippet: removed
- fpic: SVG support for forceaspect
- gen / gen.codebox: removed mc vs mcs from contextual help menu
- Gen Codebox: fixed error when duplicated in a gen subpatcher
- Illustration Mode: improved behavior with scheduler events
- Illustration Mode: object retyping is prevented when enabled
- Inspector: RNBO objects show correct options / descriptions
- jit.cellblock: fixed row / coll messages
- jit.geom.smooth: improved cancel behavior
- jit.geom.topoints: outputs unique points
- fixed axes drawing
- fixed crash if mode 2d and matrixoutput enabled
- fixed outline mode drawing
- jit.ui: fixed issues when duplicating existing objects
- live.gain~ / live.slider: double-click anywhere sets to default
- live.text / jspainter: learning overlay is drawn
- Magnifier: removed Magnify Under Magnifier
- Max for Live: fixed crash when loading some devices
- MUBU Package: fixed crash with imubu object
- multislider: improved drawing of sliders when at certain sizes
- node.script: .mjs files are found
- nodes / preset: fixes issues when node count changes
- OSC: parameter attributes are read-only
- OSC: patcher name prefix no longer truncated when contains dots
- OSC: skip messages that have unknown typetag when converting to dict
- Package Manager: potential fix for crash after package install
- Param Connect: fixed range acquisition for enums
- pfft~: fixed crash when renaming containing patcher
- Preferences: category filter works if All is selected
- ramp~: output is clipped to range
- Recent Help Files: updates appropriately
- REPL in Max Console: golbal receive object menu
- RNBO: inports are always registered even with long compile times
- Search Path: externals are prioritized when resolving object names
- sflist~: arguments are correctly interpreted
- Snippet Toolbar Browser: fixed drag of multiple items
- textedit: fixed crash with "output as one symbol" mode with >32k text
- Timing in Max for Live: metro restarts after device deletion and undo
- udpsend / udpreceive / Max for Live: opening Max Editor does not interrupt connections
- v8 Buffer.peek: fixed usage
- v8 Folder: fixed pathname attr (fixes jit.polymovie 'readfolder' message)
- v8: embedmessage support
- v8: filename attribute respected in multiple bpatchers
- v8: fixed crash when converting typed arrays to atoms
- v8: fixed crashes with LiveAPI callbacks
- v8: fixed newline handling in template strings
- v8: fixed crash when creating attrui with v8 declared attr from inlet
- v8: getattr, setattr, getboxattr, setboxattr, etc fall back to box or inner object
- v8: 'valid' property implemented
- v8: 'wind' class partially implemented
- VIZZIE BFGENER8R: fixed distortion input
- VIZZIE SCANLINR: fixed scanline parameter
- VIZZIE: Improved help patcher theme compatibility
- Windowing: fixed tabs for fullscreen windows when titlebar is colored (MacOS)
- zl.nth: fixed output when 0 is input
System Requirements
- OS 11.0 or later
- Intel® Core™2 Duo processor. Intel® Core™ i5 processor or faster recommended
- 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended).
- OS 11.0 or later
- Apple Silicon processor
- 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended)
- Windows 10 (version 22H2) or Windows 11 (version 22H2 or higher)
- 64-bit Intel® or AMD multi-core processor. Intel® Core™ i5 processor or faster recommended
- 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended)
System Requirements
- OS 11.0 or later
- Intel® Core™2 Duo processor. Intel® Core™ i5 processor or faster recommended
- 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended).
- OS 11.0 or later
- Apple Silicon processor
- 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended)
- Windows 10 (version 22H2) or Windows 11 (version 22H2 or higher)
- 64-bit Intel® or AMD multi-core processor. Intel® Core™ i5 processor or faster recommended
- 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended)