Max 9.0.5 Release Notes
This page contains a record of fixed bugs and added features.
If you know of an issue which is outstanding or you would like to report a bug, please fill out our Bug Reporting Form or contact our Support team here:
Download 9.0.5 | Mar 4, 2025
Release Notes
New Features
- abl.device.spectralresonator~: new object
- abl.device.spectraltime~: new object
- crosspatch: shift-click-drag to change gain on multiple connections
- curve~ / line~: activeout attribute to add "ramp active" signal outlet
- dial / slider: inputrangemode attribute (improves Param Connect behavior)
- gamepad: addmapping and addmappingfile support
- motionblur-hq pass effect
- PREV_VIEW_PROJECTION_MATRIX to compute velocity vectors etc
- object to report texture planecount, type, dimensions
- dumptextures message
- jit.grab: uniqueid to disambiguate between identical connected devices
- jit.ui*: getarrayfromlist for position attribute
- jit.ui*: added default position
- jit.ui*: added rounded corners for slider
- KeyMidi Extra: octave is displayed / velocity can be changed with c/v keys
- live.gain~: thickness attribute to set width of each channel's meter
- live.line: orientation attribute
- live.meter~: added 'disabled' option for @clip_size attribute
- live.meter~: drawpeakhold attribute (defaults to on)
- live.thisdevice: use_mpe_tuning attribute
- matrix / matrix~: exclusive attribute for use with crosspatch
- MC: spread* messages take optional exponent argument a la scale
- MC version of live.adsr~ officially supported
- channel limit is now 1024
- mc.range~: bang message, non-signal outputs, exp attr
- mousestate: support for middle, right mouse buttons & scroll wheel
- Patcher List View: parameter / mapping filters
- Preferences: added pref to set default value of Snap to Pixel patcher attribute
- Preferences: global scale factor
- Preferences: logtosystemconsole and loglevel Logging preferences
- Preferences: Syntax Coloring option for 'Default Text Color Only'
- preset: dirty attribute to dirty patcher on slot save
- ramp~: accepts notevalue syntax (except BBU)
- RNBO: updated to v1.3.4
- thispoly~: automute attribute for simpler voice allocation / muting
- twist~: new implementation using a table lookup
- UI objects: valuepopup and valuepopuplabel attributes to display value in a popup
- v8 JitterListener: access to Jitter mouse button state
- v8: relative path syntax support for include/require/etc
- v8: require/include files added to Projects / Devices
- vst~: Param Connect support
- waveform~: zoomthresh and zoomstyle attributes for line drawing instead of interpolated drawing
Fixed Bugs
- ABL objects: lower minimum oscillator freq from 20 to 0 Hz
- abl.device.compressor~: increased max output gain
- abl.device.drift~: @osc2enable now correctly enables osc 2, not osc 1
- abl.device.echo~: duck attribute works
- abl.device.echo~: fixed 'class_attr_addattr' error message
- abl.device.limiter~: misc improvements
- abl.device.roar~: fixed instantiation crash
- abl.device.roar~: modulation is bipolar (a la Live)
- abl.device.spectralresonator~: fixed @voices range
- abl.device.spectraltime~: @freeze_mode respected when @resolution changes
- abl.dsp.overdrive~: accepts 'midfreq -1' message (ABL enum safety improvements)
- Authorization: fixed issues with machines using multiple primary ethernet adapters
- bpatcher: fixed potential crash when closing embedded bpatcher window
- chooser: hint and annotations work in background without cells
- Clues: Toolbar + Autohide fixed to hide background as well as text
- crosspatch: selecting already selected patch cord doesn't unselect others
- Database: fixed potential hang on launch
- Database: improved fix for error when defining substitution
- dict: setparse correctly parses arrays and string
- drunk: fixed setting negative step size with argument
- drunk: removed accidental right inlet
- DSP: fixed crash when enabling local audio from a subpatcher
- Event Probe: component size changes when text size changes
- function / preset: recallmulti support
- function: shadow draws correctly when classic curve is set to 0
- Gen codebox: reference opens
- Gen: fixed unnecessary 'bad number' warnings
- groove~: loopinterp is disabled if loop is off
- hid: disable info output on instantiation
- Inlets / Outlets: improved consistency in how to set hints / labels / categories
- Inspector: fixed potential crash when typing in inspector search field
- ioscbank~: no longer clicks when using external buffers
- fixed ui_key message handlers
- fixed ui_listen when used in Javascript
- improved behavior with @tripod 1
- ui_map functions the same as ui_map_clone
- jit.desktop: fixed alpha value calculation
- jit.fx transitions: fade is clamped to wipe
- jit.fx.*: fixed errors with some objects on Windows
- adapts to input type
- jit.geom.texgen: @planenorm is appropriately normalized
- jit.geom.tomatrix: texcoords passed as expected
- fixed viewport leakage
- / getattr: fixed crash when setting visible to 1
- works inside with attached
- fixed no state errors
- fixed crash when exporting empty geometry
- fixed usage of type color input
- fixed bug with empty read message
- fix show_ui with enable logic
- fixed console errors in help patch
- capture works with multiple cameras in parent
- fixed multi-drawto usage
- bloom-hq added tonemapping and gamma_correction attributes
- gi ReSTIR updates
- removed support for quality lo
- fixed potential crash on Windows
- fixed errors when opening help patcher
- 'clear' message documented
- jit.gradient.ui: can't create a new pointer on top of an existing one
- jit.gradient.ui: fixed mouse offset when selecting pointers
- jit.gradient.ui: fixed potential crashes
- jit.gradient.ui: now uses the v8 engine
- 'read' works when triggered from udpsend
- jit.phys.body: concave shape picking fix
- jit.scalebias: @bias and @scale visible in inspector / attrui
- jit.ui: fixed bug with image button not appearing when resizing
- jit.ui: fixed console error when saving patcher
- jit.ui: fixed default random name for group
- jit.ui: fixed group issues with collapse/expand clickable area and scaling
- jit.ui: fixed issues with object that have no @canvas attr set
- jit.ui: fixed label_line_length attribute
- jit.ui: fixed roundness_corner attr application on patcher load
- jit.ui: group improved behavior for enable attribute for objects in groups
- jit.ui: improved slider precision_int
- jit.ui: objects will keep working after @visible is toggled
- improved mousing
- position is recalled correctly via pattrstorage preset
- rotatexyz update attrui / getattr when changed via
- Jitter Shader objects: fixed 'read' message with no argument
- JS JitterListener: receives matrixoutput events as expected
- js / v8: Image class fixed reading file from collective/amxd
- js: fixed crash on snapshot or pattrstorage recall when patch contains jsui
- jweb: cursor works with offscreen + transparent background
- jweb: fixed crash when clicking on object in locked patcher
- jweb: fixed offset when hi dpi is disabled (Windows)
- keyup: works with extended keys (fe: number pad keys) (Windows only)
- list.* objects: correct help patchers open
- live.* UI objects: cannot be changed while being remote controlled
- live.grid: eliminate crashing when value is changed from timer and UI threads
- live.scope~: improved drawing
- Mapping: MIDI scaling improvements with integer output
- Max for Live Parameters: value not changed to initial value on save
- Max for Live transport: fixed rounding errors
- Max for Live: fixed 'setparamactive' error
- Max for Live: fixed duplicate key event and focus restoration issues
- Max Version: fixed build number for externals / Win FileVersion
- MC: fixed issues with channel count when non-MC objects are connected
- MC: fixed issues with some objects i/o assist strings
- mc.abl*: reference pages work
- mc.function / preset: supports two point interpolation
- Messages to DSP: Audio Preference Window is updated
- mgraphics: fixed mgraphics_user_to_device and mgraphics_device_to_user
- MIDI Tester: fixed RT number box range
- MIDI: fixed disambiguation when reading in driver names (macOS)
- MIDI: prevent dropped messages during high message density
- Modify Read Only: fixed potential crash when unlocking
- multislider: added 'mouse-up only' option to @contdata
- multislider: fixed issues with knobshape 'rounded'
- multislider: preset nodes / recallmulti improvements
- multislider: restored 23 candycane colors
- node.script: fixed crash on script npm install with no js file
- Param Connect: dial & slider min / max set correctly
- Param Connect: fill all parameter values
- Param Connect: fixed bad text strings
- Param Connect: improve unit style behavior
- Param Connect: param default is used for initial value of UI object
- Patcher Contextual menu: Paste From appropriately shows active snippets
- Patcher List View: improved jsui and v8ui display
- pattrstorage: improved dirty usage
- phasor~: fixed MFL / gen~ distortions and irregularities
- phasor~: improved stability when changing time signatures and locked
- phasor~: improved sync when locked and using notevalue time format
- phasor~: negative tick values work as expected in Max for Live
- playlist~: continue playing an already-playing source file if replaced via snapshot
- playlist~: fixed issues with sequential messages
- playlist~: fixed mode 3 normalized sync behavior
- playlist~: improved hint and annotation display
- playlist~: improvements to parameter recall on load
- poke~: fixed float writing when audio is on
- poly~: don't show (poly~) in titlebar if title has been set explicity
- Preferences: Add Patcher to Search Path link in obtrusive error works
- Preferences: improved Clue Bar preferences
- preset: list attribute saved / recalled property
- radiogroup: @selection can be typed into new object box
- REPL: silenced some uninformative errors
- RNBO Sidebar Ref: disallow drag for Fixed Attributes
- Save as Project: saves correctly when patcher name includes a dot (Mac)
- Search Path: error shown when adding too many search path items
- Search Path: improved fix for issues with Japanese characters in paths
- sfplay~: fixed argument corruption when using sync outlet and 64 chans
- sfplay~: improved sync time position
- Signal Probe: patchcord contextual menu appropriately draws over probe popup
- Snap to Pixel: snaps when sizing objects
- Snippets: fixed View in Browser
- Text Editor: monaco editor no longer opens window when external editor is set
- Themes: syntax colors are set correctly when changing Theme
- Toolbars: fixed potential crashes
- tri~: no longer outputs NaN when duty cycle is 0. or 1.
- updown~: fixed lag when switching input ramp rate
- updown~: fixed stall when loop sync output is very small
- v8 / v8ui: enabled 'Edit Source' entry in Object Action Menu
- v8 jit.proxy: return output for messages
- v8 loadbangdisabled: works
- v8 MaxobjListener: ensure targets are registered
- v8 MaxobjListener: fixed crash
- v8: accepts large messages
- v8: fixed crash in LiveAPI callback
- v8: fixed crash when assigning a typed array to a global object
- v8: fixed crash when attempting to call a non-function variable
- v8: fixed getattrattr
- v8: fixed issues with setting assist string
- v8: fixed memory leak
- v8: fixed outlet_dictionary issues when called from another function
- v8: max.frontpatcher works
- v8: ParameterListener added
- v8: patcher attribute is compatible with box patcher attribute
- v8.codebox: array output works in bpatchers
- VIDDLL: jit.record cache_size is now obsolete
- vst~ / live.grid: improved behavior when reading values / writing pattrstorage presets
- vst~ / pattrstorage: improved interp recall
- vst~: object box retains size when duplicated
- waveform~: use 0 instead of wrapping past the end of bufffer contents
- what~: works at higher phasor~ frequencies
- Windows Icon: made larger
- Windows Taskbar: no longer show second Max icon
- Zoom: pinch to zoom works below 100%
System Requirements
- OS 11.0 or later
- Intel® Core™2 Duo processor. Intel® Core™ i5 processor or faster recommended
- 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended).
- OS 11.0 or later
- Apple Silicon processor
- 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended)
- Windows 10 (version 22H2) or Windows 11 (version 22H2 or higher)
- 64-bit Intel® or AMD multi-core processor. Intel® Core™ i5 processor or faster recommended
- 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended)
System Requirements
- OS 11.0 or later
- Intel® Core™2 Duo processor. Intel® Core™ i5 processor or faster recommended
- 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended).
- OS 11.0 or later
- Apple Silicon processor
- 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended)
- Windows 10 (version 22H2) or Windows 11 (version 22H2 or higher)
- 64-bit Intel® or AMD multi-core processor. Intel® Core™ i5 processor or faster recommended
- 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended)