
Max for Live Best Practices, Part 1

Welcome to our tutorial series specifically designed for Max for Live users who are interested in creating their own devices.

We will suggest tips and practices that will help you work smarter as a developer and help create a good user experience — for others, or just for you. We’ll share best practices for patching, and provide advice about how to avoid common problems you may encounter in developing your Max for Live devices.

In this video, I concentrate on patcher structure, some Max concepts that are specific to Max for Live, and MIDI mapping. (Download the Max for Live Production Guidelines discussed in the video.)

Learn More: See all the articles in this series

by Tom Hall on 2019年12月10日 19:30

Peter Jones's icon

Peter Jones

12月 12 2019 | 1:26 午前

Thank you so much for producing these videos. Excellently explained.

Florent Ghys's icon

Florent Ghys

12月 19 2019 | 3:30 午後

thanks for doing this!

OCH's icon


12月 28 2019 | 4:50 午前

where or when will part 2 and 3 be available?

Tom Hall's icon

Tom Hall

1月 08 2020 | 5:10 午後

@omar Part 2 is out today! - Part 3 coming soon...

OCH's icon


1月 08 2020 | 7:51 午後

@tom Thank you! Looking forward :)

vkisil's icon


1月 11 2020 | 2:20 午後

Thanks!! :-))

Damien's icon


12月 01 2020 | 8:44 午前

Help a lot! Thanks