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Max 8 Guitar Processor, Part 1

by Darwin Grosse on 2021年5月11日 19:09

One of our most popular article series was the Max 5 Guitar Processor. There have been a number of changes to Max, and we felt like it was...

An MC Journey, Part 1

by Gregory Taylor on 2021年4月13日 17:55

The arrival of Max’s MC features has been a game-changer for a lot of Max users. This short series of MC tutorials will chart my own path...

Oopsy Daisy — An Introduction, Part 1

by Gregory Taylor on 2021年2月16日 23:35

The new Daisypatch module from the folks at Electrosmith provides a great way to embed the precise flexibility of Max/MSP's gen~ into...

Demystifying Digital Filters, Part 1

by Isabel Kaspriskie on 2021年2月16日 17:30

Explore a combination of the theory and practice of digital filters - what they are, how they work, and which filtering techniques work...

Building a Synthesizer Editor with JavaScript, Part 1

by Jeremy on 2021年1月6日 14:50

In this tutorial series, I’m going to do a deep dive into designing a MIDI-based editor for a hardware synthesizer: the KORG minilogue xd....

The JavaScript-mtr Connection, Part 1

by Isabel Kaspriskie on 2020年11月24日 16:30

Learn all about decoding the contents of an mtr object's dump format using the js object, and extending JavaScript by creating a shared...

A Basic Vocoder Tutorial, Part 1

by Timothy Place on 2020年8月17日 14:02

Vocoders can be an insane amount of fun. At the root of the vocoder effect we know and love, we take an audio signal such as a human voice...

Max for Live Best Practices, Part 1

by Tom Hall on 2019年12月10日 19:30

This tutorial series is specifically designed for Max for Live users who are interested in creating their own devices. In Part 1, the...

Best Practices in Jitter, Part 1

by Rob Ramirez, Cory Metcalf on 2019年5月14日 16:32

One of the most important changes to computers since Jitter's release is the general move away from faster and faster CPUs toward faster...

Node Recipe 00: Socket Drawings

by Andrew Benson on 2019年1月22日 18:46

Connecting a Max patch to interactive data is a fundamental interest many of us share. This recipe provides a quick dive into Socket.IO, a...