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File System Traversal - For Fun!

by Darwin Grosse on 2022年2月28日 20:20

One day during a conversation with a friend, I realized I had the perfect photo to enhance the discussion. I also realized that it was in...

Rainy/Snowy Day Max, Part II: Meshes and 3D Spirographics

by Darwin Grosse, Gregory Taylor on 2022年1月31日 19:35

In this tutorial, we're going to augment the patch we created last time using the Jitter jit.gl.mesh object to give us access to the cool...

Rainy/Snowy Day Max: Spirographics

by Darwin Grosse on 2021年12月1日 15:15

Remember the Spirograph? This deceptively simple collection of geared rings and wheels and pens were the source of hours of drawing fun....

Max 8 Guitar Processor, Part 6

by Darwin Grosse on 2021年7月20日 17:40

Here we are at the close of our series on creating a guitar processor in MSP. To wrap things up, I want to make a connection to the real...

An MC Journey, Part 4

by Gregory Taylor on 2021年6月22日 19:40

For this edition of the MC journey, I’m going to combine some longstanding interests of mine (using materials from earlier tutorials)...

Max 8 Guitar Processor, Part 4

by Darwin Grosse on 2021年6月22日 17:55

The guitar processor series just keeps adding the awesome. This time out, I'm adding looping and reverb to the mix. Don’t be surprised if...

Max 8 Guitar Processor, Part 3

by Darwin Grosse on 2021年6月8日 16:10

Our guitar processor series swings into high gear in our third installment — I’m going to add a phase shifter with a variable number of...

Max 8 Guitar Processor, Part 2

by Darwin Grosse on 2021年5月25日 16:25

In this installment of our series on Max-based guitar processing, I’m going to add a dual overdrive module and a three-stage EQ/Filter...

Max 8 Guitar Processor, Part 1

by Darwin Grosse on 2021年5月11日 19:09

One of our most popular article series was the Max 5 Guitar Processor. There have been a number of changes to Max, and we felt like it was...

An MC Journey, Part 3

by Gregory Taylor on 2021年5月11日 18:40

This installment of the MC tutorial begins with a patching error that inspires an MC-based polyrhythm generator and goes on to exploit MC’s...