'Cannot get_java_vm' and 'Unable to create JVM'
Hi! I need to use some old patch using mxj/java (and just installed the last max8 on a brand new macOS 12.5), but it seems that Max cannot use any mxj object:
Even for the ones from mxj.maxhelp, max console says:
'Cannot get_java_vm'
'Unable to create JVM'
Thanks a lot in advance for your help, since it's a super important patch* that really need to open and use again <3
(*Patch of possible trajectories of mecanical puppets legs tunnings that i need to rebuilt: alexbart.org/puppet)
Thank you, I installed this (and restarted my mpb) but it does not change: Same errors in max console... ? π
(Note: Just to notice, even if this might not be a big deal: The 'Suppress sponsor offers when updating Java' checkbox is not there anymore in the advanced session of the Java Control Panel in system preferences)
OK I figured out that i needed to install aswell the "Arm 64 DMG" at https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/#jdk19-mac ... and now mxj objects are working!
Still have few strange bugs in my java class... ... .... What would be the simpliest way to recompile a java class after a very small modification? ... ( it's like 10 years i didn't use java/mxj and i'm completly lost i forgot everything :-D ... (not sure i wanna go through the whole eclipse instalation thing, not even sure it is still a thing))